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Tenant Selection Criteria

***Howard’s Apartments Only***

Qualifying Criteria Conditionally Qualified Condition to approve Not Qualified
1. Complete Application & Fee Paid: Incomplete or falsified application or application fee not paid in full.
2. Checking of Credit Report: An outstanding balance greater than $1000.00 or any current delinquency of 90 days or more. Medical debt is excluded.
3. Criminal History: No conviction of a violent or sexual crime or any felony. Conviction of a violent or sexual crime or felony depending on the nature of the offence
4a. Home Owner: Mortgage in good standing
  • Less than 60 days delinquent on mortgage
  • More than 60 days
  • DoubleDeposit
  • Cosigner AND
4b. Rental History: Double deposit 2 years good verifiable rental history Less than 2 years good verifiable rental history. Cosigner Poor Rental History / Prior Landlord would not rent again.
Rent Payment History: No payments 5 or more days late. 1 or 2 late payments in 1 year that were 5 or more days late. Cosigner or Double Deposit 3 or more late payments in 1 year that were 5 or more days late.
Lease Violations: No Lease Violations. One Lease Violation. Double Deposit
  • More than 1 Violation for Unauthorized Pet or Tenant or for Smoking.
  • 3 Violations of any type during one lease term.
  • Hostility toward landlord.
Balance due to Landlord: Unpaid balance owed to landlord
Eviction: No past or current Eviction Past or current eviction
5. Household Income: of at least 3 times the rental amount.
  • Household income less than 3 times rental amount.
  • Liquid assets equal or greater than 1 year of rent.
  • Cosigner
  • Double Deposit
6. Supporting Documentation: Provide:
  • Most recent checking & savings bank statements with full name.
  • Most recent, proof of income (paystubs), or if self-employed, most recent tax return (or proof of liquid assets per line 5.)
  • Valid vehicle registration.
  • Legible copy of government issued ID.
  • No bank account
  • Not employed
  • No car
  • Cosigner
  • Cosigner (excludes those using liquid assets or Household income qualifies)
  • 2nd form of ID (Costco, student ID, etc)
  • No government issued ID